Join the Team

Bei voize sind wir an der Vorfront von Spracherkennungstechnologie, halten eng als Team zusammen und arbeiten nach dem YC Motto "Make Something People Want".

Wir suchen nach neuen Teammitgliedern, die gerne mit Nutzer:innen sprechen, Liebe für großartige User Experience haben und iterativ arbeiten können.

Fun Fact: durchschnittlich alle 5h deployen wir neue Software in Production.

Unser Bewerbungsprozess

Teil des voize Teams werden

Nach deiner Bewerbung laden wir dich zu einem Erstgespräch ein. Wenn wir zusammen passen, gibt es ein Zweitgespräch, eine fachliche Aufgabe und einen gemeinsamen Call mit den Gründern.


Reiche deine Bewerbung im Bewerberportal ein.

First Call with the founder (Remote):

This is a more informal video call with you and one of our founders, to get to know you, and share more details on the role. Together we want to determine if this role is a great fit for you and get a basic understanding of your personal interests and technical & soft skills.

Technical Interview with CTO (Remote):

In this video call, we want to learn more about your technical skills and past projects you have worked on. The best way to impress us is by showing us a project you’ve built and walking us through the 2 hardest technical/design decisions you had to make.

Mostly, we want to know that you can code and ship fairly involved systems, and speak to them with clarity on the details. This tends to be a good indication that an engineer had strong ownership and showed autonomy in making a product or technical decisions.

Coding Challenge

At this stage, we want to show you the kind of challenges we are facing on a daily basis. In a pair programming setting, you will get access to a portion of our system and will debug an Error we’ve introduced or build a prototype of a new feature.


If you and our team both see a great culture and technical fit, we will send you a job offer and walk you through our onboarding process.

In your first week, you will ship your very own first feature to production! We will prepare a great first task, help you along the way and celebrate the release and direct user feedback.